
Im/materialities: open call for student-led workshops supported by InKüLe

In the digital age, boundaries between material and immaterial worlds are increasingly blurred. Today's hybrid materialism challenges us to rethink the nature of matter and the ways in which our digital and physical realities interact. In this shifting landscape, how do digital technologies shape the materiality of objects, bodies or environments?

In the second edition of the InKüLe open call, we invite passionate students or recent graduates to apply with a workshop proposal. Your proposal should focus on exploring and discussing the theme of Im/materialities. You will need to choose one of three fields and their corresponding technologies as the foundation of your workshop.

  1. sound + movement
    Workshop based on generating soundscapes, visual feedback and other (multi-sensory) experiences of embodied interaction. This can reach from interactive sound and image generation to more experience-based formats like a curated silent disco event or an audio walk.
  2. cinematography + immersion
    Workshop based on video storytelling, new media and virtual environments. How to tell a story with digital media? You can propose a workshop that’s related to new forms of storytelling using new media like 3D scanning, VR, AR, 360 videos or game engines. Formats can reach from interactive video prototypes to creating virtual environments combining 3D scanning, texturing and modeling experiments.
  3. making + building
    Workshop about hands-on building, crafting or prototyping. This can range from rather artistic approaches (e.g. costumes, paintings, sculptures) to design investigations like mini furniture or small objects (e.g. stools, vases, jewelry) or even spatial/architectural experiments.

The fields are based on the research, experimental didactics and technological toolkits that InKüLe is currently practicing and constantly developing.  InKüLe will co-curate selected proposals, provide conceptual and technical support as well as spatial organisation for the workshops.
Keep in mind that the workshop should be designed to open to students from all departments of the UdK, creating a space for transdisciplinary engagement, inclusion and the exchange of ideas.

Who can apply

  • Current students of UdK (all departments)
  • Freshly graduated Alumni of UdK (Graduated for max. 3 years)

Submission Guidelines

  • Proposals should be submitted by 30th Oct 2024
  • Proposals can range from skill-sharing to rather experience-based formats
  • Workshop duration: 3-5 hours
  • Target participants: 10-15 UdK students from all departments
  • Language: English and/or German
  • The workshop will take place from December 2024 till February 2025, the date will be arranged according to your availability.
  • Once selected, the workshop leader will go into co-creation mode with the InKüLe team, changes and adaptations to the workshop proposal may happen if required.

What we provide

  • Consultation and co-development of the workshop
  • Artist fee of ~300 Euro
  • Technologies and Media, technical support
  • Workshop promotion
  • Workshop space (

We look forward to receiving your proposals and working together. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to

You can find the application form here