When: WED 8.5.2024, 1pm-4pm
Where: UdK Berlin - Raum 139 (Medienwerkstatt), Hardenbergstraße 33, 10623 Berlin
Registration for UdK-students: inkuele@intra.udk-berlin.de (Please also state your course of study, your motivation for wanting to join and your expectations of this workshop)
The Third Eye
Scanning Workshop for Digital Practices
Joel Tenenberg, SHK InKüLe
What is 3D scanning?
Which different methods are available to use and how do I select one?
Could this even be relevant for purely analogue arts practices?
These questions will be explored in the upcoming 3D-scanning workshop, ‘The Third Eye: Scanning Workshop for Digital Practices.’ In this interactive Workshop we will bridge the gap between physical reality and the digital realm. Through hands-on presentation of three different techniques, we will explore how embedding real-life objects into design workflows or artistic practices brings forth a unique aesthetic and challenges conventional perceptions of design and production. While scanning software may deliver raw and data-heavy outputs, we will demystify the process with accessible tools, finishing the day with a resized, ready-to-print, or ready-to-work objects. As a participant, you will leave with your own scanned object, ready to be integrated into your design process.
This Workshop presents 3D-scanning as a diverse tool to enhance any existing workflow, physical and digital. In the case of digital workflows, it opens up possibilities to further deepen the realism in your works while maintaining a high flexibility in manipulating and transforming the scanned Objects. For a purely physical workflow, 3D scanning is a great way to make your products digitally accessible and opens up an innovative way of archiving and documenting your work. No previous knowledge or scanning experience is expected. Making the 3D scanning process independent of the actual design or artistic practice ensures that every participant can use the scanned Object to their own liking afterwards. This Workshop is for you, if you always wanted to start embedding realistic Objects in your digital creations or if you want to digitize your hands-on projects.
Let’s get scanning!
Language: English / German